The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a grant competition in the framework of the “Agricultural Competitiveness Project” investment project jointly financed with the World Bank. Grants will be provided on a co-financing basis to the following activities:
Modernization of private laboratories to control the quality and safety of agricultural and food products. Maximum amount of one grant is up to 7.6 million tenge, the size of co-financing should not be less than 25%;
Marketing infrastructure development. Maximum amount of one grant is provided is up to 5.0 million tenge, the size of co-financing should not be less than 35%;
Improving the image of agricultural production. Maximum amount of one grant is up to 6.0 million tenge, the size of co-financing is not less than 30%;
Applied agricultural research. Maximum amount of one grant is up to 12.0 million tenge, the size of co-financing is not less than 30%;
Extension and technology introduction. Maximum amount of one grant is up to 3.5 million tenge, the size of co-financing is not less than 35%;
The grants are available for the following priority agricultural products: Grains, Cotton, Fruits and vegetables, Fish and fish products, Oil seeds and vegetable oils, and Livestock products.
Both public and private entities are eligible to receive grants. Specifically:
Modernization of private laboratories: private testing laboratories/centers certified or accredited in the State System of Technical Regulation of RK (whose tests related to agricultural products and food industry is not less than 60%).
Marketing infrastructure development: agricultural partnerships, rural consumers’ co-operatives, other forms of marketing associations of agricultural producers, initiative groups for organization of rural marketing cooperatives of agricultural producers, etc..
Improving the image of agricultural production: rural partnerships and other associations of agricultural producers and processors; private enterprises processing agricultural products, etc..
Applied agricultural research: research-production centers, institutes and universities, scientific-research organizations, experimental stations and farms, individual scientists, agricultural companies, farms, agricultural processing companies. However it is required that the proposals of research organizations are jointly implemented with beneficiaries (farmers etc.).
Extension and technology introduction: research-production centers, institutes and universities, scientific-research organizations, experimental stations,; farms, agricultural companies and agricultural processing enterprises; consulting companies, individual consultants; individual scientists, teachers and farmers; other public organizations and associations conducting advisory services in the agricultural sector. However it is required that the proposals of research organizations are jointly implemented with beneficiaries (farmers etc.).
Deadline for applications: August 1, 2008 on the established form in electronic and paper formats to the following address:
010003, Astana, mkr.Al-Farabi, 17/1 (National Guard bus stop), Project Coordination Center, tel: 8(7172) 27-51-87, 23-15-91. факс: 29-85-59. Е-mail:
Training workshops on preparing applications and grant proposals are provided to the applicants in the regions of Kazakhstan.
Full information on competition terms, training workshops and the CGS project Manual can be obtained at the Project Coordination Center and its representative office in Almaty at ul. Dzhandosova 51, Livestock Research Institute, office 309, tel.: 8(7272) 221-46-37, e-mail: as well as in oblast branches of JSC “KazAgroMarketing” and on the project’s website
The first two rounds are under implementation, with a total of 112 grants already financed.