What is the World Bank Group? The World bank Group consists of five organizations: IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA, and ICSID.
When did Kazakhstan join the World Bank? Kazakhstan became a member of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) on July 23, 1992. It became a member of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in September 1993. The country became the 163rd member of the IBRD and the 143rd member of the IDA. To fulfil its obligations as a member of the IBRD, Kazakhstan made a payment of $15,041,677 to the institution. Kazakhstan applied for membership in the World Bank agencies on January 27, 1992. It was the fifth former Soviet Republic to have joined the institution. On October 21, 2000 Kazakhstan joined the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Who represents Kazakhstan in the Board of Executive Directors? The Executive Director for Kazakhstan, effective as of November 2004, is Mr. Gino Alzetta.
What is the voting power of Kazakhstan in the World Bank? The voting power of Kazakhstan is 3,235 total votes (or 0.2% of total) for IDRD, 4,887 total votes (or 0.2% of total) for IFC, and 806 total votes (or 0.01% of total) for IDA.
Who is the Governor of the World Bank from Kazakhstan? The Governor of the World Bank from Kazakhstan is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Mr. Karim Massimov and the Alternate Governor is the Vice Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Mr. Marat Kussainov.
How many projects have been approved for Kazakhstan? Since Kazakhstan became a member of the World Bank Group in 1992 the IBRD has provided twenty four loans to Kazakhstan.
What is the total amount of commitment of the World Bank to Kazakhstan? Since Kazakhstan became a member of the World Bank Group in 1992 the total amount of the World Bank commitment to Kazakhstan has amounted to more that US$ 2 billion.
What are the main spheres for the World Bank support in Kazakhstan? The main spheres of the World Bank support to Kazakhstan are social protection and public health, water supply and sanitation, environment, agriculture, infrastructure, legal reform, public sector management, and power sector reforms. More information about the World Bank
Last updated July 11, 2006 |