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Winners 2006

World Bank Country Office in Kazakhstan Announces Winners of the Small Grants Program 2006

Almaty, July 27, 2006 –Today the World Bank and the Eurasia Foundation (EF) together announced the winners of the Small Grants Program 2006 competition in Kazakhstan.

In May 2006, EF signed an agreement with the World Bank to award grants through the Small Grants Program. EF funding is provided through its Open Door program, one of the main components of its grant making portfolio. Through its Open Door program, EF reviews all proposals that fit within one of its mandated focus areas - private enterprise development, community development, education and public administration.

This year, applicants from all regions of Kazakhstan submitted a total of 97 proposals in the highly publicized Small Grants Program competition. Following the competition, the World Bank and EF awarded USD 50,000 in grants. Of the 10 total projects, EF is funding three.

The following Kazakh NGOs were awarded grants as part the 2006 Small Grants Program:

1. Public Foundation “Society “Diabetes”, Taraz – Project to strengthen NGOs’ participation in the process of monitoring budget programs.
2. Public Foundation “Women’s Legal Center”, Almaty – Project to promote civic participation in development processes through introduction and promotion of public hearings.
3. Public Foundation “Center of Civic Initiatives “Nur”, Turkestan – Project to develop civic initiatives in villages of South Kazakhstan Oblast.
4. NGO “Women’s Resource Center”, Shymkent – Project to establish self-help groups in the villages of South Kazakhstan Oblast.
5. Public Foundation “Pervomaiiski Charity Foundation for Continuous Education “, Pervomaiiski village, Eastern Kazakhstan Oblast – Project to introduce elements of electronic government in Eastern Kazakhstan Oblast.
6. Public Foundation “Development of Taranovski Region”, Taranovski village, Kostanai Oblast – Project to develop civic initiatives in villages of Kostanai Oblast
7. Public Foundation “Akbota”, Vyacheslavka village, Akmola Oblast – Project to involve children and their parents in improving environmental situation in the region.
8. Public Foundation “Center for Children’s Adaptation”, Astana – Project to improve status of children-orphans and disabled children-orphans in Akmola Oblast.
9. Public Foundation “Bereke”, Shymkent – Project to improve knowledge of citizens in three micro-regions of Shymkent on issues of their real-estate self-management using methodology of condominiums.
10. Public Foundation “Association of Young Leaders”, Almaty – Project to involve youth from five Central Asia countries in the democratic development of the society through educational and learning programs, exchange of ideas and discussions of ways and mechanisms of youth participation in the development of the society and decision-making processes.


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