WASHINGTON, October 27, 2005- The following project was approved today by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors:
IBRD LOAN: $100 million
TERMS: Grace period = 5 years; Maturity = 17 years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project will help ensure access to a reliable, cost-effective and high-quality supply of electricity for business enterprises and households in southern Kazakhstan. The project also will support regional integration by optimizing the use of energy resources through the international electricity trade. It will help to promote national and regional competition by allowing low cost producers in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to compete on the broader regional market.
For more information, please call Miriam Van Dyck at (202) 458-2931, or email: .
For project information documents, visit: http://www.worldbank.org.am/external/default/main?pagePK=64027221&piPK=64027220&theSitePK=301579&menuPK=301612&Projectid=P095155