World Bank GroupWorld Bank Group


How to Increase Competitiveness of the Civil Service as an Employer?

The planned reform of the wage system in the civil and public service marks a new stage in the development of a professional civil and public service system in Kazakhstan. Whereas a significant wage increase in the civil service in 2004 (50 percent raise of the base pay level) introduced a correction of wage levels, it did not address the root causes of the low level of competitiveness in public sector wages.The problem of competition for qualified staff lies mostly in the higher end of the wage system, and in relation to retaining young qualified staff. However, these groups did not benefit from the increase in the same way as lower level officials, and therefore the problem of competitiveness remains.

Read the Report:   Reforming the Public Sector Wage System (1.10 MB PDF)

Read the Aide Memoire (344 KB PDF) of WB Mission on Wage and Compensation Isues for the Civil Service

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