World Bank GroupWorld Bank Group

The World Bank Country Office in Kazakhstan (Astana) is honoured to present the winners of the Small Grants Program for the year 2004

Name of Organization

Brief Project Description


Public Foundation “Center for Local Self-Governance Development”.
Ust-Kamenogorsk City

Development of civic initiatives in small towns and rural settlements through extension of information access to remote areas, communicational trainings and creation of virtual database “Government, business, NGO – partners!”. Project will cover 7 small towns and surrounding rural settlements of East Kazakhstan Oblast


Public Association “Talkhiz Youth Club”
Talgar Town

Engaging rural youth in cooperation with local governments, CSO’s and business structures to ensure sustainable social and economic benefits. Set of activities including series of seminars “Rural youth and civil society”, creation of self-help groups, practical trainings, information campaign.


Public Union “Diabetes Society”
Taraz Town

Set of activities, including round-tables, study program, working group meetings, information campaign, monthly electronic bulletin, aimed at engagement of social NGO leaders, Maslikhat deputies, and Zhambyl population in formulation and monitoring of public social programs and budgets.


Public Foundation “Youth Information Service of KZ”, Branch in
Kokshetau City

Activization of young citizens of Akmola oblast (5 small towns) through “Rural youth” Information Campaign aimed at provision of access to information on civic rights and freedoms, legislation etc.


Association of Proactive Schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Taldykorgan City

Improve access of local communities, school teachers and students, local governments, and public utilities’ organizations to information on ecological problems of Almaty Oblast; and facilitate local initiatives to address ecological problems through various activities including joint seminars, oblast ecological conference, ecological actions, and creation of ecological vanguards.


Public Union of Disabled People “Namys”
Almaty City

Organization of public hearings in Parliament with a view to initiate amendments to the draft Law on Social Protection for Disabled People in the RK with participation of organizations of disabled people.


Institute for Local Self-Governance Development

Involvement of NGOs in local social programs development to improve effectiveness of local budget spendings and strengthen social protection of the target groups of population. Set of activities includes joint round-tables, information campaign, public polling, Petropavlovsk NGO web-site development etc.


Public Association of Mothers of Disabled Children “Rainbow”

Improve public awareness on disabled people problems through information campaign and facilitate discussion of amendments to the draft Law on Social Protection for Disabled People in the RK in Kostanai oblast.


Business Women Association of the RK,

“Dialogue and Cooperation 2004” – series of joint seminars for rural NGO leaders and local akimat officials. Seminars will be held in two rayons of Zhambyl Oblast.

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