Doing business 2010 : Kazakhstan - comparing regulation in 183 economies (2009) Doing Business 2010 is the seventh in a series of annual reports investigating regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 183 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, over time. This paper presents the summary Doing Business indicators for Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan financial sector remains dominated by domestic commercial banks. The banking sector is largely domestically owned, private, and relatively concentrated, with the largest five banks accounting for 78 percent of total banking assets. The share of foreign banks has increased to about 15 percent of total banking assets after some recent acquisitions. The stress testing included single factor sensibility and scenario analysis and focused on the potential impacts of the two main risks being faced by the banking system, liquidity and credit risks. This study focuses on the tax system for non-subsurface users in Kazakhstan. It takes as given the tax reform package that the authorities and stakeholders are designing, but proposes a number of additional steps to be taken over the next 2-3 years aimed at maximizing the benefits of tax neutrality on competitiveness. The first volume of this report mainly focuses on tax policy: taxes on labor, capital, and consumption. The second volume of the tax strategy paper examines tax administration issues, and identifies functional areas that require attention in the short, medium and longer-term. This examination represents an initial diagnostic and is not a final blueprint for modernization. The nine areas diagnosed are: organizational structure, human resource and training; anti-corruption; taxpayer service and education; large taxpayers; audit/inspection; collection; information technology; and legal and appeals. Disability in Kazakhstan: an evaluation of official data - (February 2008) In order to answer the questions of (a) what is the true pattern of disability in Kazakhstan; (b) whether the incidence of disability is decreasing; and (c) what is the life expectancy of Kazakhstan's disabled, this paper attempts first to create an historical picture of disability in Kazakhstan by analyzing government population statistics and studying the evolution of disability determination procedure in the former Soviet Union and independent Kazakhstan. The authors note that barriers for applying disability benefits have increased and incentives to report disabilities have decreased markedly in the past 15 years, so that it is virtually certain that there is substantial hidden disability. Kazakhstan - Report on the observance of standards and codes (ROSC) - (May 2007) This report on the report on the observance of standards and codes (ROSC) in Kazakhstan provides an assessment of accounting, financial reporting, and auditing requirements and practices within the enterprise and financial sectors in Kazakhstan. |