The newly established Kazakhstan-World Bank Joint Economic Research Program (JERP) is a cornerstone of the Country Partnership Strategy, approved by the Board of Directors on September 9, 2004. Being an innovative instrument this three-year program of joint economic research is financed through a cost-sharing arrangement. The Program was launched in 2002 and proved to be very effective in ensuring that analytical services are supporting Government’s thinking and decision-making process in key strategic areas. The areas of focus and scope of the economic research program are determined by the Government in consultation with the World Bank on an annual basis. The First Annual Report of the JERP, covering the period from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 and the of the JERP for the period from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 are available to the public and can be obtained either from this site or - in hardcopy – from the Public Information Center. Topics currently being examined under the JERP include education and health strategies, public expenditure and procurement policies, WTO accession, poverty analysis, mitigating the environmental impact of growth, oil income management, and ways to foster innovation and technology. Annual Program for FY05 (July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005) Activities | Estimated cost (US$) | | Public Expenditures and Institutional Review | 240 000 | | | | | | | |
| | | Territorial development, including Transport Sector Strategy to 2020 | 200 000 | |
| 300 000 | | Issues of social-economic development | 630 000 | | - Strategic issues on environment | 140 000 | | - Poverty assessment | 50 000 | | - Education sector strategy | 150 000 | | - Health sector strategy | 150 000 | | - Regional water and energy issues | 140 000 | | Specific queries of the Government of Kazakhstan | 30 000 | | Estimated total for the 3rd year | $1,400,000 | | Estimated share of expenses covered by IBRD | 700 000 | | Estimated share of expenses covered by the Government of Kazakhstan | 700 000 | |
Annual Program for FY04 (July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004) Activities | Estimated cost (US$) | | | Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning | | | Public expenditure and institutional review | 145 000 | | Territorial development | 60 000 | | Macroeconomic forecasting and determination of economic growth points (and value chain analysis) and competitiveness | 240 000 | | Ministry of Industry and Trade | | | WTO accession | 150 000 | | Ministry of Agriculture | | | Natural resources | 280 000 | | Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population | | | | 100 000 | | | 150 000 | | Ministry of Health | | | Health issues | 120 000 | | Other | | | Seminars, trainings and experience exchange | 40 000 | | Consultations by queries of the Government of Kazakhstan | 23 000 | | | | | Estimated total for the 2nd year | 1 308 000 | | Estimated share of expenses covered by IBRD | 785 000 | | Estimated share of expenses covered by the Government of Kazakhstan | 523 000 | |
Annual Program for FY03 (July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003)
Activities | Cost |
($ ) |
1. Budget Code & Economic Growth | 300.000.00 | | 100.000.00 | | 200.000.00 | 2. Natural Resources Management Plan | 200.000.00 | | 80.000.00 | | 60.000.00 | | 60.000.00 | | 170.000.00 | Actuarial Study | 23.000.00 | Social Study Final | 11.000.00 | Final Report | 136.000.00 | | 150.000.00 | TB, HIV/AIDS & STIS Control Programs | 50.000.00 | | 50.000.00 | Medical Liability Insurance | 50.000.00 | 5. General Consultations on Govt. Request | 180.000.00 | Total | |
Last updated January 17, 2005 |