The following popular titles are available in the Library of the World Bank Country Office in Kazakhstan for use by our visitors: World Bank Annual Report (1992-2004) Annual publication that gives an overview of the World Bank activities in a given fiscal year. Contains information on major World Bank programs, evaluations, operations, administration, finances, etc. World Development Report (1991-2005) The World Bank's annual World Development Report (WDR) is an invaluable guide to the economic, social and environmental state of the world today. Each year the WDR provides in depth analysis of a specific aspect of development. Past reports have considered such topics as the role of the state, transition economies, labor, infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty. The reports are the Bank's best-known contribution to thinking about development. World Development Indicators (1995-2004) The World Bank's most comprehensive, statistics-packed product in book and CD-ROM formats. Formerly the statistical appendix to the World Development Report, these comprehensive data are now available in their own volume and have been enlarged to include more than 80 tables with some 600 indicators. This major new publication provides an expanded view of the world economy for almost 150 countries. World Bank Atlas (1995-2004) Color maps, charts, and graphs representing the main social, economic, and environmental indicators for various countries and territories. Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries Annual edition that offers an in-depth analysis of the economic prospects of developing economies. Policy Research Working Papers This series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. World Debt Tables (1994-1996) & Global Development Finance (1997-2004) A World Bank publication that tracks the annual movement of international capital flows to developing countries. World Bank Country Study Series Informal documents presenting Bank's continuing analysis of the economic and related conditions of its developing member countries. Documents included in this series are published with the consent of the government involved. World Bank Technical Papers Informal documents that present knowledge acquired through the Bank's operational experience. They contain material that is rather practical than theoretical and include state-of-the-art reports and how-to-do-it monographs. They can also concern matters that cut across sectoral lines, such as the environment and science and technology. World Bank Discussion Papers Informal documents that present unpolished results of research or country analysis. They are circulated to encourage discussion and comment. Papers for which rapid publication is particularly important are often issued in this series. Studies of Economies in Transformation Informal documents that disseminate the results of policy analysis and research on the states of the former Soviet Union. The studies are prepared under the auspices of the World Bank's Europe and Central Asia Region. Regional and Sectoral Studies A paperback book series derived from World Bank research and experience in specific geographic areas or economic sectors. EDI (WBI) Development Studies Informal documents prepared under the auspices of the World Bank Institute (WBI) - formerly Economic Development Institute (EDI), a department of the World Bank that offers cources, seminars, and workshops on subjects relevant to development issues. EDI (WBI) Seminar Series Informal documents prepared under the auspices of the World Bank Institute (WBI) - formerly Economic Development Institute (EDI), a department of the World Bank that offers cources, seminars, and workshops on subjects relevant to development issues. Economic and Sector Work on Kazakhstan |