We are happy to announce that the Information Center for Development (ICD), a joint initiative of World Bank, Asian Development Bank and United Nations Development Program has been recently opened in Astana. This is the first public information and resource center established in Kazakhstan by three largest international development organizations with more than 1000 books and periodicals immediately available for all groups of stakeholders. ICD provides free access to the extensive data-bases on various development topics, best practices in various aspects of growth by other countries of the world, and actual statistical and analytical information on economic and social issues. It also offers multimedia and publications by other donors active in Kazakhstan.
ICD is located in the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan in the new administrative center of the capital near Baiterek. Read the Press Release
Visit the web-page of the Information Center for Development
WHO CAN USE THE INFORMATION CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT?![icrvisit](/INTKAZAKHSTAN/Images/icrcvisit.jpg) Public Information Centers are open to the public. No fee is required to use the PIC. Users can access information from the Internet and thousands of publications and other development related materials.
WHAT SERVICES ARE OFFERED? — a comprehensive collection of printed and electronic publications on various development topics — general information about the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and United Nations Development Program, their activities, projects and programs — electronic information resources and databases — free Internet access to visit development websites — assistance in information search through in-person visits, by phone and email WHAT REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE? Among the Reports and Documents available at the Information Center are: Project Appraisal Documents (PADs). These contain descriptions of a project and the plan for its implementation, including procurement procedures. They are made available to the public after presentation to the World Bank's Board. Economic Sector Reports. These include macroeconomic analysis of Kazakhstan's economy, analyses of major economic sectors and other reports on specific issues, such as poverty assessments, etc. Environmental Assessments (EAs). EAs are detailed studies required for projects likely to have significant impact on the environment. Such studies are available before the final appraisal of the viability of the project. Loan (or Development Credit) Agreements. These are records of loan amounts and terms and conditions on which the loan is made. They also record the borrower's general commitment to the project objectives. The agreements are made available to the public after the loan agreement is signed and declared effective or ready for disbursement. Bidding and consultant documents. These provide guidelines for borrowers and their implementing agencies in the procurement of goods, works and consulting services. UN Development Business. A United Nations publication that publishes general procurement notices for goods, works, and services to be procured through international competitive bidding for each Bank-financed project.
Many World Bank reports, publications, and other documents related to Kazakhstan are available online to read free of charge. PURCHASING WORLD BANK PUBLICATIONS
World Bank reports and publications on Kazakhstan are also available for purchase online. WORLD BANK DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES IN KAZAKHSTAN
Name and location of depository library