WASHINGTON, May 8, 2003—The following project was approved today by the World Bank’s Board:
LOAN AMOUNT: IBRD—US$40.39 million
TERMS: Grace period = 5 years; Maturity = 15 years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project is intended to improve the welfare of the population in the Nura River Basin by cleaning up serious mercury pollution in and adjacent to the Nura River, providing a safe, secure and cost effective alternative source of water supply to meet growing needs of local water users, and restoring flow control in the river for flood management and ecological purposes. The key performance indicators that will be used to assess the fulfillment of the project’s development objectives include: reduction of mercury contamination; improvement in year-round water quality in the Nura River to meet internationally accepted standards for mercury content in drinking water; new sources of potable water supply for communities along the Nura River, and water quality monitoring to provide ongoing protection to the population. For more information, please call Miriam van Dyck at (202) 458-2931, e-mail .