Bolivia. Public confidence in Bolivia's justice system is low. Access to courts is limited and legal decisions are variable and unpredictable. And muchneeded investment suffers because private investors rely on a sound, predictable legal framework. An $11 million credit from the International Development Association approved April 13 will help finance Bolivia's comprehensive judicial reform program. The project will back constitutional and legislative improvements to judicial processes, establish a judicial career system with training and ethical standards for judges, and alternative dispute resolution systems. Contact Ciro Gamarra at (202) 4738721.
Cote D'Ivoire. Urban poverty is rising as cities swell in Cote d'Ivoire. A $40 million IDA credit approved April 13 will back a range of urban infrastructure and private sector projects to improve services and boost incomes. The projects will include rehabilitation of small municipalities and squatter settlements, incomegenerating investments and training to help municipalities plan and provide services. Contact Eric Chinje at (202) 4734467.
Macedonia. A $38.7 million World Bank loan approved April 18 will help FYR Macedonia address transport problems caused by the closing of its Serbian and Greek borders. The project will reduce transport costs and strengthen road maintenance by the government. It will improve port access with renewed EastWest roads, fund a new custom system and provide planning advice for transport agencies. Contact Jan Pakulski at (202) 4731797.
Kazakhstan. A $62 million World Bank loan approved April 18 will back Kazakhstan's plans for privatizing, restructuring or liquidating large enterprises and market training for managers. And it will help develop two private banks, strengthen bank supervision and ease the processing of large transactions. Contact Jan Pakulski at (202) 4731797.
Mauritania. A $35 million IDA credit approved April 18 will back key parts of Mauritania's education reform plan. In part, the project will: help the desert country boost enrollment with new schools and classrooms, water and sanitation systems; boost girls' participation; provide textbooks, library books and science kits; streamline teacher deployment and scheduling and improve school planning. Contact Eric Chinje at (202) 4734467.
Niger. Niger will be able to promote smallscale private irrigation development with help from a $6.8 millon IDA credit approved April 18. The project will test ways to provide lowcost irrigation technologies through the private sector to enhance rural incomes and increase food security among rural people. Contact Eric Chinje at (202) 4734467.